January 11th – Wait and See

What I’m Reading

Wait and See: NNN lease investors had assumed that Republicans would win the Georgia Senate special election and the 1031 exchange would be safe.  Now that the Democratic party candidates have prevailed, those investors are anxiously awaiting President Elect Biden’s first 100 day agenda to see if the 1031 will indeed be on the chopping block.  Globe Street

Well Positioned: If inflation flares up in the next few years, commercial real estate in general, and multi-family in particular – thanks to its short-term lease structure – could be big beneficiaries.  Bisnow

Defying Gravity: Despite a further spike in the 10-year treasury yield, mortgage rates set another all-time low last week.  Housing Wire

Seeking Clarity: The pandemic has made it difficult to read too much into housing demand.  At some point in 2021, we should get a clearer picture.  Housing Wire

Under Cover: From lap dances, to karaoke to after hours parties, the pandemic has brought back a prohibition relic – speakeasies – causing more retail headaches in the process.  New York Times

Short Supply: 

Chart of the Day

The reflation trade is baaaaaaaack.


Source: The Daily Shot

Post election, Goldman sees a lot more stimulus on the way.


Source: Goldman Sachs


Circus: There are enough stories from the Capitol rampage last week to fill WTF for at least a month.  For starters, a guy in a Viking helmet and no shirt presided over the House chamber for a while.  Business Insider

Mother of the Year: A mother was arrested for DUI at the drop off line for her kids’ middle school after running over a bunch of traffic cones.  Click Orlando

Basis Points – A candid look at the economy, real estate, and other things sometimes related.

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