October 5th – Honey Badger

What I’m Reading

Staying Remote: PriceWaterhouseCoopers is freeing the entirety of its U.S. workforce to work remotely full-time, a decision that will impact 40,000 client services workers.  The Real Deal In response, the CMBS markets did their best honey badger impression.  Will be interesting to watch this one play out: 

Shortage of the Day: In today’s episode of everything is a shortage, schools across the country are offering less healthy lunch options as they struggle with dwindling supplies, delayed shipments and fewer cafeteria workers.  This pretty much all traces back to labor shortages, of course.  New York Times

Bill Coming Due: With the replacement rate falling and a massive portion of the population aging, long term care will continue to become a bigger drain on the economy.  The trend is one of the major reasons that I don’t think that inflation will be with us in the long term even though it is spiking today.  We’ve seen this recently in Europe and Japan.  No reason to believe that it will be different this time in the US.  Bloomberg

Catch Up: There is a good chance that owners equivalent rent will spike in 2022, even as measures of new leases like indexes from Zillow and Apartment List flatten out.  Calculated Risk 

Also, IF (huge if) this inflation forecast from Goldman Sachs is accurate, it could be the perfect storm for rental housing to outperform: 

Here We Go Again: Lumber prices hit $1,670.50 per thousand board feet earlier this year, effectively choking off development projects that couldn’t handle the additional cost.  Prices then dropped rapidly, bottoming around $450 last month (historically, it trades around $225-$425).  However, supply chain issues are far from solved and prices have spiked above $600 once again.  The “new normal” is looking like higher cost to build.  Globe Street 

Chart of the Day

The US birth rate has fallen off a cliff.  This is one of the big reasons why I’m extremely pro-immigration.  

Source: AEI


Reduced Charge: An Iowa man who threatened to blow up a McDonalds because he did not receive dipping sauces with his 30-piece Chicken McNuggets order has pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor harassment charge.  The Smoking Gun

“E” For Effort: A shirtless woman tried to rob two stores using only body spray as a weapon – and failed – because Florida.  CBS 12 News

Basis Points – A candid look at the economy, real estate, and other things sometimes related. 

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