March 28th – The Laundromat

What I’m Reading

The Laundromat: “In the United States, as in many countries, real estate is an attractive investment for kleptocrats looking to park dubiously sourced money, as it continues to be one of the least transparent industries. This lack of transparency, and the flood of corrupt and illegal cash that it invites into an industry that touches every element of American society both undermines the United States’ ability to levy sanctions to stop international conflicts- and impacts any number of domestic issues…”  Just Security

Race to the Bottom: Instacart announced several new services for retail partners, including one called Carrot Warehouses, which promises to help grocers build out the infrastructure to support 15-minute deliveries. That would cut Instacart’s quickest existing option — 30-minute deliveries — in half. CNN  Perhaps one of these services will figure out a way to actually make money on this but no one has so far.

Easier Said Than Done: Office to logistics conversions seem logical due to demand imbalances but rarely work in reality.  Commercial Property Executive

Bleeding Out: Big cities like New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles all lost population in 2021.  New York Times

Moment of Truth: We are about to find out just how much of a hedge against inflation CRE truly is.  Globe Street

Chart of the Day

Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.


Source: Calculated Risk 


What a Way to Go: A group of disgruntled Russian soldiers reportedly killed their commanding officer in Ukraine by running over him with a tank.  NY Post

Got Beef: An Ohio woman called 911 to report being “upset because she only got 4 pieces of chicken instead of 8.” The Smoking Gun

Basis Points – A candid look at the economy, real estate, and other things sometimes related. 

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