December 14th – Drop Zone

What I’m Reading

Drop Zone: Drone delivery is beginning to look inevitable as developers like Alphabet continue to make breakthroughs and retailers like Walmart test in selected markets.  The Diff

Arms Race: Amenities aren’t just for office employees anymore.  Gyms, childcare centers, and restaurants are making their way into logistics facilities as hiring becomes more competitive.  Globe Street

Cashing Out: Mortgage equity withdrawal was negative or near-zero for years.  It has increased after the onset of the pandemic but is still at a relatively low level as a percentage of disposable personal income.  Calculated Risk

Bid Em Up: A survey by the Conference Board  finds that companies are setting aside an average 3.9% of total payroll for wage increases next year, the most since 2008.  Many are citing higher inflation as the reason.  Wall Street Journal

Call in the Reserves: If port terminal conditions continue to get worse, LA Port officials plan to call in National Guard to drive trucks with containers amid a perceived shortage of operators, or help with unloading.  Freight Waves

Chart of the Day

People are tapping their home equity more but its nowhere near a concerning level. 

Source: Calculated Risk


Rarified Air: One of the cast members from the TV show 90 Day Fiancé claims that she is making as much as $45k a week by farting into jars and selling them. (h/t Adam Siegel) Yahoo News  

Above the Law: An attorney was sentenced to 40 months of imprisonment for committing a string of five bank robberies and attempted bank robberies because Florida.  The Tampa Free Press

Basis Points – A candid look at the economy, real estate, and other things sometimes related. 

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