December 15th – Checked Out

What I’m Reading

Checked Out: Buyers are spending more time than ever in their vacation homes.  Mansion Global See Also:  A new survey found that 45% of respondents would move if they could work remotely.  Forbes

Soaring: Home equity reached a record high in 2020 as American homeowners gained a whopping $1 trillion.  Core Logic  See Also: Mortgage originations are on pace for their best year ever, surpassing even the housing bubble.  Wall Street Journal

Counter Intuitive: Why surprise inflation could actually push the Federal Reserve to ease financial conditions even further.  Bloomberg

Perfect Storm: From moratoriums, to a hardening insurance market, to rising defaults, CMBS servicers are in for a rocky 2021.  MBA Newslink

Adaptive Re-Use: The pandemic has created a crisis in New York City’s commercial real estate industry. Some leaders think it’s time to reimagine the city’s business districts by converting office buildings to apartments.  New York Times

In Limbo: Several challenges to the CDC’s anti-eviction mandate on the grounds of abuse of executive power are making their way thorough the court system.  New York Law Journal

Chart of the Day

Source: Green Street


2020 Madlibs: A desperate Joe Exotic penned a note to porn star Kim Kardashian to ask her to lobby President Donald Trump for a pardon before he leaves office in January.  Daily Mail

Pick Me Up: A drug company issued an urgent recall after accidentally shipping Viagra with anti-depressant medication.  (h/t David Landes) Daily Mail

Basis Points – A candid look at the economy, real estate, and other things sometimes related.

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