May 6th – Mean Reversion

What I'm Reading Mean Reversion: Americans have returned to their pre-pandemic consumption habits with spending on gyms, concerts and recreational travel up substantially.  At the same time, pandemic darlings like Peloton, Netflix and Instacart have underperformed.  Wall Street Journal  My take: a lot of this is mean reversion.  Americans were...

June 10th – Leap of Faith Part 2

One Big Thing Yesterday, I wrote about multifamily development getting more speculative because of uncertainty about cost inflation.  Today, let's take a look at the for sale housing market.  If you want to get an insider's view of housing, Bloomberg's Odd Lots Podcast with Zonda's Chief Economist Ali Wolf from...

May 13th – Running on Empty

What I'm Reading Running on Empty: Construction of entry level homes has been trailing off since the mid-1970s.  In the early 1980s, the percentage of new homes constructed below 1,400 sf was roughly 40%.  Today it sits below 10%.  The combination of low supply and high demand in the space...