August 3rd – Packing Heat

What I’m Reading

Packing Heat: The packaging industry is growing as soaring ecommerce adoption has led to higher demand for boxes.  As a result, demand is increasing for industrial space used to produce and distribute packaging.  Fast Company

Waiting Game: Home builders are intentionally restricting the sale of new homes in order to deal with shortages of land, labor and materials.  Keep this in mind when you digest sales data.  Marketplace

Metamorphosis: Retail stores of all sizes are turning part of their real estate footprint into logistics and fulfillment centers as they try to blend in-store shopping with e-commerce offerings. Axios

Steady Stream: The rise of streaming services has led to an uptick of demand for new movie studios – especially in Los Angeles.  LA Times

Positive Feedback Loop: As people move to Phoenix, so are companies that are looking to relocate.  IMO, this is the biggest reason that the boom Phoenix is undergoing is different from those that it has experienced in the past.  This isn’t cyclical industries – think homebuilding – gearing up for a surge of new retirees.  Rather, it is fueled by businesses bringing stable, high paying jobs to the region.  Fox 10 Phoenix

Chart of the Day

Its a terrible time to buy a car.  


Source: The Daily Shot


Final Straw: California overwhelmingly passed a feel-good animal welfare proposition in 2018.  Unless the state government steps in, enforcement will begin in 2021.  As a result, bacon – and other pork products – will no longer be available in California because almost none of the nation’s pig farms meet the state’s strict new standards.  I put up with a lot to live here but this may be the final straw.  Associated Press

This is Nuts: A 76 year old man pled no contest to charges that he castrated another man in his home after the two met on a eunuch fetish site because Florida.  Tampa Bay Free Press

Basis Points – A candid look at the economy, real estate, and other things sometimes related. 

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