May 12th – Pushback

What I’m Reading

Pushback: Consumers are doing less grocery shopping online as health concerns fade and consumers become more cost conscious thanks to inflation.  Chain Store Age

Offshored: The tech industry is warning that more remote jobs are headed out of the US thanks to worker shortages and a lack of immigration. Countries like Canada with more liberal immigration policies are becoming more popular for tech firms as a result.  Wall Street Journal

Network Effect: Recent college graduates would be wise to spend more time in the office, building relationships rather than opting for remote work.  Washington Post  This is somewhat of a non-issue for office workers with seniority but it does concern me when it comes to people who are just starting out. There is simply no substitute for human interaction. 

Let the Good Times Roll: If you own a home with a fixed rate mortgage and have a stabile employment situation, life is pretty good at the moment thanks to the ability to fix costs.  If you’ve been priced out of the housing market, not so much. New York Times

Pressure Point: Last mile delivery provider business has remained brisk even as overall ecommerce sales have slowed.  Freight Waves

Chart of the Day

Inflation is increasingly becoming a housing story, as expected.


Source: The Daily Shot


Golden Shower: A woman doused her trailer park neighbor with a bucket of urine after said neighbor’s chicken had been pooping on her back patio because Florida.  The Smoking Gun

Crossing Guard: A man was arrested after trying to slow down cars by standing in the road with a shotgun because Florida.  Tampa Free Press

Basis Points – A candid look at the economy, real estate, and other things sometimes related. 

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