November 8th – The Weakest Link

What I’m Reading

The Weakest Link: Environmental and anti-business regulations make California the absolute worst possible place to be the US focal point for supply chain issues.  Wall Street Journal

Narrative Violation: Last week’s taper announcement was met by rates falling substantially at the long end of the yield curve.  This is the latest example of the fact that QE artificially suppressing long rates is a myth.  Bloomberg

Help Wanted: The construction industry needs over 2 million more workers over the next three years to keep up with booming demand for housing amidst a labor shortage.  Gonna go out on a limb here: short of a massive liberalization of immigration policy, this ain’t happening. Business Insider

Hindsight is 20/20: As time goes on, there is an increasing body of evidence that the housing bubble of the 2000s was massively overstated.  Full Stack Economics

Sweet Spot: Conditions haven’t been this good for workers for over two decades.  Bonddad Blog

Chart of the Day

Seasonality has returned to the residential rental market and rent growth is slowing. However, to put things in context, this is the first October in more than a decade that has seen rents grow.

October rent change

Source: RealPage


Heist: A man used a finger gun to steal napkins from a Waffle House while loudly informing patrons that he was high and drunk because Florida.  WCTV

Teacher of the Year: A teacher was charged with child abuse just days after being named Teacher of the Year because Florida.  News Channel 8

Basis Points – A candid look at the economy, real estate, and other things sometimes related. 

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