September 21st – Logjam

What I'm Reading Logjam: The Los Angeles / Long Beach port logjam has enough containers to cross half of the US if laid end-to-end.  Amazingly, the problem is getting worse.  The average wait is currently 8.7 days compared with 6.2 in mid-August, according to L.A.  gCaptain  Respite: The producer price...

September 15th – Goldmine

Traveling for a conference this week  and a little short on time so we will just be focusing on some interesting home equity charts today from Black Knight’s latest Mortgage Monitor Report.  Chart of the Day US homeowners are sitting on a goldmine when it comes to tappable home equity...

September 10th – Putting This to Bed

What I'm Reading Putting This to Bed: In total, 1 million forbearance plans will expire between now and the end of 2021.  There is a vocal contingent that has been predicting a wave of foreclosures for months.  However, I am virtually certain that this won't happen as almost all of...

September 9th – Back to School

What I'm Reading Back to School: COVID caused slowing of new supply in the student housing market, helping to stabilize rents.  Now that class is back in session, some of the world's largest property investors are pumping billions of dollars into buying and developing off-campus housing.  (h/t Mike Deermount) Wall...