July 12th – Mixed Signals

What I'm Reading Mixed Signals: The US employment report for June continued to show a strong labor market consistent with a strong economy with moderating inflationary pressures. However, other economic data are telling a worrisome story of an economy that could be entering into recession even while the underlying inflation...

March 9th – In the Cold

What I'm Reading In the Cold: US real estate investors like Hines and Morgan Stanley have ridden out ruble devaluations, financial crises and the economic sanctions that followed Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea to chalk up positive returns on their Russian real estate portfolios.  Now they are facing calls to...

February 7th – Defying Gravity

What I'm Reading Defying Gravity: Apartment leasing is typically a seasonal business, with demand cooling with the weather in the winter months. That has not been the case in 2021 and thus far in 2022.  Both Q4 occupancy and January occupancy increased for the first time in history, according to...