May 25th – The Great Unbundling

What I'm Reading The Great Unbundling: A recently published Federal Reserve analysis of household formation shows a meaningful decline in living with roommates / others since the pandemic, coupled with a rise of living alone.  This happened as consumption of housing went up during the pandemic and I've referred to...

December 17th – Spreading Out

What I'm Reading Spreading Out: There is building anecdotal evidence that a substantial portion of surging demand for housing is due to the US undergoing another episode of average household sizes shrinking, much as it did in the 1970s.  Calculated Risk Whack a Mole: People are ricocheting between skyrocketing rents...

November 23rd – Cash Cows

Quick programming note: Basis Points will be off the rest of this week.  Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!   What I'm Reading Cash Cows: An unprecedented supply chain crisis has resulted in public container shipping companies hitting all time highs for net revenue.  To put this in perspective, the $48.1 billion in 3Q21...