July 21st – Tipping Point?

What I'm Reading Tipping Point? Industrial developers are delivering nearly 700m sf of warehouses across the US following two years of record absorption.  Tenant demand remains incredibly strong.  However, with a recession likely coming, there is an increasing risk of overbuilding in some markets.  Bisnow Hitting Pause: Amazon has been...

July 19th – Head for the Border

What I'm Reading Head for the Border: Onshoring and nearshoring production trends will increase emphasis on logistics facilities near border locations and intermodal hubs with sizable rail and road infrastructures.  San Diego, Detroit and San Antonio could emerge as winners as well as several Atlantic coast port cities. Globe Street...

June 16th – The Hangover

What I'm Reading The Hangover: California has a near-$100 billion budget surplus thanks to booming asset prices leading to a capital gains windfall.  As usual, politicians in Sacramento are fighting over how to spend the money quickly by establishing new social programs or funding large one-time expenditures.  However, with asset...

April 21st – Back to School

What I'm Reading Boomtown: A massive population influx has set off a boom in South Florida's industrial market.  With low vacancies, scarce land and continued population and economic growth, its likely to continue. Wealthmanagement.com Back to School: BREIT's insatiable appetite continues with its just-announced purchase of student housing REIT American...

February 16th – Got Ya Covered

What I'm Reading Got You Covered: As commercial real estate lenders and investors eye new yield opportunities, the industrial outdoor storage (IOS) sector has emerged as an asset class with large-scale, long-term growth potential. Commercial Observer The Big Short: Wall Street investment firms are buying up more vacation homes, aiming...

December 7th – Help Wanted

What I'm Reading Help Wanted: The construction industry is 2.2 million skilled workers short of what is needed to keep up with demand.  Floor Daily  I'm sure that a trillion dollars or so of infrastructure spending injected into this environment will have a positive impact...... Taking Control: Amazon has taken...