February 8th – Fire Sale

What I'm Reading Fire Sale: Retail rents are plunging in Manhattan as a lack of office workers makes businesses less viable.  On the positive side, falling rates and aggressive concessions have led to falling availability as tenants snap up prime locations at a discount.  Bloomberg Decelerating: CoreLogic is projecting that...

February 3rd – Backlog

What I'm Reading Bursting at the Seams: As retailers and logistics companies try to stockpile goods to hedge against supply chain problems, they are facing a new challenge: In many parts of the United States, there is little to no space available to stash the merchandise.  Logistics firms are finding...

January 5th – Stuck in Place

What I'm Reading Boxed In: Despite an incredibly tight apartment market, Los Angeles won't allow rent hikes for tenants in rent-stabilized units - which accounts for approximately 75% of inventory - until at least 2023.  This despite costs rising sharply, including labor and materials for building repairs as well as...

December 10th – Stretching Out

What I'm Reading Stretching Out: Multifamily investors are increasingly stretching their holding timeframes - sometimes by 2-3x.  This is being driven by both a dearth of product coming to market that makes redeployment of capital difficult and a desire to obtain fixed rate debt with inflation surging.  WealthManagement.com  Bubbling Over:...

December 8th – Tailwind

What I'm Reading Tailwind: The US apartment market continues to strengthen with strong rent growth and occupancy at all time highs.  RealPage  FWIW, this is exactly what should logically be expected to happen in an environment with strong household formation demographics and an increasingly tight homebuying environment - Marginal buyers...