July 21st – Tipping Point?

What I'm Reading Tipping Point? Industrial developers are delivering nearly 700m sf of warehouses across the US following two years of record absorption.  Tenant demand remains incredibly strong.  However, with a recession likely coming, there is an increasing risk of overbuilding in some markets.  Bisnow Hitting Pause: Amazon has been...

June 16th – The Hangover

What I'm Reading The Hangover: California has a near-$100 billion budget surplus thanks to booming asset prices leading to a capital gains windfall.  As usual, politicians in Sacramento are fighting over how to spend the money quickly by establishing new social programs or funding large one-time expenditures.  However, with asset...

June 6th – Pick Your Poison

What I'm Reading Leveling Off: Rent is still increasing sharply YoY but the pace is slowing somewhat.  Calculated Risk Trade Off: Just-in-time inventory management substantially reduced the risk of inventory cycle recessions where over-ordering leads to a glut.  In the post-pandemic world, companies are increasingly opting for a just-in-case model...

May 6th – Mean Reversion

What I'm Reading Mean Reversion: Americans have returned to their pre-pandemic consumption habits with spending on gyms, concerts and recreational travel up substantially.  At the same time, pandemic darlings like Peloton, Netflix and Instacart have underperformed.  Wall Street Journal  My take: a lot of this is mean reversion.  Americans were...