November 4th – Sitting Ducks

What I’m Reading

Sitting Ducks: Idle cargo containers piling up in ports and storage yards have created a target-rich environment for thieves, resulting in yet another supply chain headache. Cargo theft has increased 42% YoY in California during the 3rd quarter.  CargoNet

Out of Their Hands: The inflationary episode of the 1970s was mostly demand-driven.  What we are experiencing today is driven by supply shortages, which are less likely to be impacted by rate hikes.  Bloomberg

Slowing Down: Apartment List’s national rent index rose by 0.8% from September to October, the lowest reading so far in 2021, with rents falling in 22 of 100 cities.  Globe Street Two important things to note: 

  1. This is data on new leases which have far outpaced renewals in recent months.  We are highly likely to see the two converge moving forward.
  2. Some of the slowdown is likely attributable to normal seasonal factors that largely disappeared over the past year.

See Ya: COVID-19 pushed many older workers to opt for an early retirement.  Now, their absence is complicating an already difficult labor shortage.  Wall Street Journal

Long Road Back: Multiple pandemic-era bans on international travelers coming to the United States are ending next week, but hoteliers in gateway markets aren’t predicting a major spike in bookings just yet. Bisnow

Chart of the Day

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Extra Motivation: A woman who pooped her pants halfway through a marathon and ran with it in her shorts until she crossed the finish line achieved a personal record. Yahoo News

Chicken Fight: A Pennsylvania woman is facing a criminal charge after allegedly striking another woman in the back of the head with a “cold chicken” at a Walmart.  The Smoking Gun

Basis Points – A candid look at the economy, real estate, and other things sometimes related. 

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