March 9th – In the Cold

What I'm Reading In the Cold: US real estate investors like Hines and Morgan Stanley have ridden out ruble devaluations, financial crises and the economic sanctions that followed Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea to chalk up positive returns on their Russian real estate portfolios.  Now they are facing calls to...

February 8th – Fire Sale

What I'm Reading Fire Sale: Retail rents are plunging in Manhattan as a lack of office workers makes businesses less viable.  On the positive side, falling rates and aggressive concessions have led to falling availability as tenants snap up prime locations at a discount.  Bloomberg Decelerating: CoreLogic is projecting that...

February 4th – Road Block

What I'm Reading Roadblock: Demand for warehouses in the Inland Empire is massive, pushing new development further east.  However, residents are not happy with having new industrial developments nearby and are pushing back hard, resulting in substantial delays or the outright withdrawal of applications.  Globe Street  This is great news...

January 26th – Blood in the Water

What I'm Reading Material Shortfall: Dealers in John Burns’ building products survey appear to be planning and buying inventory based on an inaccurate expectation of growth in 2022.  If the results of the survey turn out to be accurate, materials companies are underestimating demand, which will cause more shortages and...

January 5th – Stuck in Place

What I'm Reading Boxed In: Despite an incredibly tight apartment market, Los Angeles won't allow rent hikes for tenants in rent-stabilized units - which accounts for approximately 75% of inventory - until at least 2023.  This despite costs rising sharply, including labor and materials for building repairs as well as...

December 17th – Spreading Out

What I'm Reading Spreading Out: There is building anecdotal evidence that a substantial portion of surging demand for housing is due to the US undergoing another episode of average household sizes shrinking, much as it did in the 1970s.  Calculated Risk Whack a Mole: People are ricocheting between skyrocketing rents...