January 26th – Blood in the Water

What I'm Reading Material Shortfall: Dealers in John Burns’ building products survey appear to be planning and buying inventory based on an inaccurate expectation of growth in 2022.  If the results of the survey turn out to be accurate, materials companies are underestimating demand, which will cause more shortages and...

September 9th – Back to School

What I'm Reading Back to School: COVID caused slowing of new supply in the student housing market, helping to stabilize rents.  Now that class is back in session, some of the world's largest property investors are pumping billions of dollars into buying and developing off-campus housing.  (h/t Mike Deermount) Wall...

May 11th – Running of the Bulls

What I'm Reading Glass Half Full: The results DLA Piper’s latest State of the Market Survey revealed no shortage of bullish sentiment about commercial real estate with 74% expressing optimism about the market in 2021 versus just 24% a year prior.  Respondents were especially bullish on markets like Austin and...

March 10th – Postponement

What I'm Reading Postponed: The Federal Housing Finance Agency has announced that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will extend multifamily forbearance for COVID-19. Qualifying multifamily property owners will be eligible for forbearance through June 30, 2021. The program was scheduled to expire on May 31, 2021.  This move includes eviction...