January 17th – In the Spotlight

What I’m Reading

In the Spotlight: Non-traditional property sectors like manufactured homes, gaming, cold storage, healthcare and single-family rentals will likely be the top performing CRE assets in 2022.  Globe Street

Stretched Thin: Guest demand is back across a substantial portion of the hospitality industry.  However, shortages caused by supply chain issues and employment issues related to Omicron are making operations difficult.  Wall Street Journal 

Topping Out?  Real wage increases are slowing as consumer inflation remains stubbornly high.  While there aren’t many recessionary signals out there, the case for a consumer slowdown is looking likely.  The Bonddad Blog

NGMI: Venture firms and public market investors are pouring billions into instant delivery apps.  However, most have yet to yield sustainable returns for investors.  Vox

Staying Power: The CLO market seized up in the early days of the pandemic.  However, it has emerged stronger than ever before with pension fund and other institutional investors pouring capital into the space.  Institutional Investor

Chart of the Day

Durable goods inflation is headed to the moon while services are relatively stable.  IMO, this is an indication that inflation is more of a supply chain issue than monetary in nature.  


Source: Jason Furman


Got off Easy: A man who engaged in sexual conduct with a pair of “large stuffed animal toys” at a Target store a was sentenced to six months probation after pleading no contest to indecent exposure and criminal mischief charges because Florida.  The Smoking Gun

Basis Points – A candid look at the economy, real estate, and other things sometimes related. 

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