February 1st – Guessing Game

What I'm Reading Guessing Game: Pandemic uncertainty has made it extremely difficult for appraisers to assign values to office buildings.  IMO, this will continue until the dust clears and the impact on demand from work from home can be fully quantified.  Globe Street Windfall: Crypto whales are cashing out some...

January 28th – The Great American Camp Out

What I'm Reading The Great American Camp Out: Results for the RV Industry Association’s December 2021 survey of manufacturers determined that total RV shipments for 2021 ended with a record 600,240 wholesale shipments, surpassing the 2017 total of 504,599 shipments by 19%. Total RV shipments for 2021 increased 39.5% over...

January 27th – Risky Business

What I'm Reading Risky Business: With interest rates rising, and property prices at all time highs, Canadian homeowners are increasingly turning to variable rate mortgages as a lower cost alternative.  Variable rate mortgages, which offer a substantially lower initial payment now make up over half of all new home loans...

January 26th – Blood in the Water

What I'm Reading Material Shortfall: Dealers in John Burns’ building products survey appear to be planning and buying inventory based on an inaccurate expectation of growth in 2022.  If the results of the survey turn out to be accurate, materials companies are underestimating demand, which will cause more shortages and...