July 1st – Scaling Back

What I'm Reading Scaling Back: As prices climb on restaurant menus and grocery-store shelves, some packaged-food makers see more Americans making meals at home to save money, while restaurant operators are changing their offerings to cope with increasingly price conscious consumers.  Wall Street Journal Taking a Toll: Higher mortgage rates...

June 16th – The Hangover

What I'm Reading The Hangover: California has a near-$100 billion budget surplus thanks to booming asset prices leading to a capital gains windfall.  As usual, politicians in Sacramento are fighting over how to spend the money quickly by establishing new social programs or funding large one-time expenditures.  However, with asset...

December 17th – Spreading Out

What I'm Reading Spreading Out: There is building anecdotal evidence that a substantial portion of surging demand for housing is due to the US undergoing another episode of average household sizes shrinking, much as it did in the 1970s.  Calculated Risk Whack a Mole: People are ricocheting between skyrocketing rents...

December 15th – Delay Tactics

What I'm Reading Delay Tactics: Planning departments in California cities are going to great effort to try to comply with California's new housing mandates.  Unions and environmental groups are using CEQA to stifle those efforts.  Two stalled projects in my hometown of Newport Beach illustrate the problem.  OC Register  Latest...

November 8th – The Weakest Link

What I'm Reading The Weakest Link: Environmental and anti-business regulations make California the absolute worst possible place to be the US focal point for supply chain issues.  Wall Street Journal Narrative Violation: Last week's taper announcement was met by rates falling substantially at the long end of the yield curve. ...

September 10th – Putting This to Bed

What I'm Reading Putting This to Bed: In total, 1 million forbearance plans will expire between now and the end of 2021.  There is a vocal contingent that has been predicting a wave of foreclosures for months.  However, I am virtually certain that this won't happen as almost all of...

July 1st – Hiding in Plain Sight

What I'm Reading Hiding in Plain Sight: It's well known that US infrastructure from roads, to bridges, to tunnels is falling apart.  The tragic Florida condo collapse this week highlights another type of private infrastructure disaster that may be much more widespread than we currently think.  Justin Gillis highlighted the...