September 24th – Trade Off

What I'm Reading Trade Off: In an effort to hedge against further rising costs, 3rd party logistics companies are expanding their domestic warehouse space to reduce the frequency of long distance shipping.  This, in turn is driving demand for warehouse space higher.  According to CBRE’s Supply Chain Advisory, transportation costs...

April 2nd – Go Time

What I'm Reading Go Time: Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is pushing the Senate toward lifting the federal prohibition on marijuana with legislation that would represent the biggest overhaul of federal drug policy in decades.  The plan goes beyond decriminalization and is expected to remove marijuana from the list of controlled...

January 7th – Reading the Tea Leaves

One Big Thing Now that the elections have come finally, mercifully come to a close, I thought that it would be a good idea to take a look at the likely winners and losers both in the real estate sector and the economy as a whole.  I’m going to do...

October 6th – Ridin’ High

What I’m Reading Ridin’ High: While the general election may still not be officially settled, one clear winner has emerged: recreational marijuana.  Ballot measures passed in New Jersey, Arizona, South Dakota and Montana to legalize the adult use and sale of recreational cannabis, while Mississippi and South Dakota (in a separate...