November 22nd – Emergency Measures

What I'm Reading Bottoms Up: Despite all the talk about burnout and reevaluating priorities, the soaring quits rate has little to do with white-collar jobs. It's more about lower-income people getting the chance to move up.  Bloomberg Desperate Times: Federal lawmakers are pushing California Governor Gavin  Newsome to declare a...

November 17th – Space Available

What I'm Reading Risk On: The board of CalPERS, the nation's largest pension fund, voted Monday to use 5% leverage and alternative assets to meet its investment-return target, even after lowering that target just a few months ago.  The trustees also voted to increase riskier alternative investments, raising private-equity holdings...

November 16th – Dead End

What I'm Reading Dead End: Just a few days after St. Paul, Minnesota voters approved the nation's strictest rent control measures, developers and their lenders are halting projects due to the economic impact.  Now politicians - many of whom supported the measure - are backtracking furiously as they realize that...

November 4th – Sitting Ducks

What I'm Reading Sitting Ducks: Idle cargo containers piling up in ports and storage yards have created a target-rich environment for thieves, resulting in yet another supply chain headache. Cargo theft has increased 42% YoY in California during the 3rd quarter.  CargoNet Out of Their Hands: The inflationary episode of...

November 1st – Disconnect

What I'm Reading Disconnect: COVID-19 has broken the longstanding connection between wage growth and employment levels.  Typically, the rise in wages currently seen would have us at near full employment but that has not yet happened.  Full Stack Economics Dispersed: Co-working companies are making big bets on the suburbs, including...

October 25th – Standoff

What I'm Reading Standoff: Stimulus programs over the past two administrations, coupled with enhanced unemployment and rising asset values have left American balance sheets in better shape than ever.  They have also given workers the flexibility to hold out en masse for higher wages, contributing to today's labor shortage. (h/t...

September 24th – Trade Off

What I'm Reading Trade Off: In an effort to hedge against further rising costs, 3rd party logistics companies are expanding their domestic warehouse space to reduce the frequency of long distance shipping.  This, in turn is driving demand for warehouse space higher.  According to CBRE’s Supply Chain Advisory, transportation costs...

September 15th – Goldmine

Traveling for a conference this week  and a little short on time so we will just be focusing on some interesting home equity charts today from Black Knight’s latest Mortgage Monitor Report.  Chart of the Day US homeowners are sitting on a goldmine when it comes to tappable home equity...

September 10th – Putting This to Bed

What I'm Reading Putting This to Bed: In total, 1 million forbearance plans will expire between now and the end of 2021.  There is a vocal contingent that has been predicting a wave of foreclosures for months.  However, I am virtually certain that this won't happen as almost all of...