December 21st – Temporary Move?

What I’m Reading Temporary Solution: The number of renters seeking short term (less than 6 month) lease arrangements when moving to new cities is way up this year.  This suggests that the move away from urban markets may be more temporary than thought.  Apartment List Sweet Spot: Pent up demand, healthy...

December 9th – Balancing Act

One Big Thing California’s eviction moratorium is scheduled to expire in early February.  A new assembly bill is seeking to extend it through the end of 2021. Concurrently another assembly bill is attempting to establish a framework for dispersing rental relief. (h/t Steve Sims) Connect Media  Two comments here:  While I’m...

November 13th – Pile Up

What I’m Reading Pile Up: Corporate tenants put a record 42 million square feet of space on the office market in the second and third quarters, according to data firm CoStar Group Inc. That increased the total sublease space in the U.S. to roughly 157 million square feet, or 1.7% of...

November 3rd – Bounce Back

What I’m Reading Bounce Back:  Apartment demand rebounded strongly in the third quarter outside of high-priced gateway markets. The rebound helped to stabilize the multifamily market and prevented asking rents from declining as much as would have been expected considering the historic decline in economic performance in the second quarter. Yardi...

October 21st – Low Hanging Fruit: the Confluence of ESG and Work From Home

One Big Thing Over the past few decades a battle has been raging over office layouts.  Office tenants have been reducing the amount of space available for each employee for years, going from large private offices to small private offices to cubicles and eventually open office plans / hot desk...

October 13th – Mind the Gap

One Big Thing Over the past couple of months, it has become fairly obvious that another round of support will not be forthcoming from the federal government – at least not until after the election.  Given our recent economic struggles, conventional wisdom dictates that this sort of news would send...

October 2nd – Headache

What I’m Reading Headache: Percentage rents are likely to have staying power for retailers even after the pandemic subsides.  However, As omnichannel sales strategies grow more popular, the breakdown between online and brick-and-mortar stores is becoming blurry, making it difficult to establish what sales should be included in the percentage rent...