November 4th – Sitting Ducks

What I'm Reading Sitting Ducks: Idle cargo containers piling up in ports and storage yards have created a target-rich environment for thieves, resulting in yet another supply chain headache. Cargo theft has increased 42% YoY in California during the 3rd quarter.  CargoNet Out of Their Hands: The inflationary episode of...

November 1st – Disconnect

What I'm Reading Disconnect: COVID-19 has broken the longstanding connection between wage growth and employment levels.  Typically, the rise in wages currently seen would have us at near full employment but that has not yet happened.  Full Stack Economics Dispersed: Co-working companies are making big bets on the suburbs, including...

October 26th – Cooling Off?

What I'm Reading Cooling Off? Some of the hottest housing markets in the country are showing signs of slowing down with inventory increasing and more sellers reducing asking prices.  Bloomberg  The article specifically talks about Boise - a rental market that we are bullish on (we recently closed our second multifamily...

October 25th – Standoff

What I'm Reading Standoff: Stimulus programs over the past two administrations, coupled with enhanced unemployment and rising asset values have left American balance sheets in better shape than ever.  They have also given workers the flexibility to hold out en masse for higher wages, contributing to today's labor shortage. (h/t...

October 22nd – Turning Point

What I'm Reading Turning Point: Amazon has dominated the industrial leasing market, sending prices soaring.  However, the ecommerce giant is now beginning to pivot away from leasing towards buying and developing its own facilities.   Bisnow Will be interesting to watch how this plays out as a competitor with zero capital...