July 12th – Uphill Climb

Chart of the Day Focusing interest rates and demographics today.  First off, safe asset interest rates have been trending downward for much longer than most of us recognize.  700 years(!) per a Bank of England working paper.   Source: Bank of England Second, long term demographic growth in the US is...

July 9th – Cause and Effect

Charts of the Day Home prices are now around 35% higher than they were at the peak of the housing bubble. http:// At the same time, average 30-year mortgage rates have fallen from around 6.75% in 2006 to just under 3%.   http:// Additionally, real disposable personal income is up by...

July 7th – No Vacancy

Chart of the Day As a general rule, most large apartment landlords set rent to try and maintain 95% occupancy at their properties.  A 5% vacancy factor is typically used for loan sizing, so there is very little upside from a valuation perspective. The prevailing view in the industry is...

July 6th – Sea to Shining Sea

Between the holiday week, a 5-year old's birthday party and a cross country due diligence trip, I'm spread a bit thin this week.  Rather than shutting it down for a few days, this week will be only charts.  Have  one that you want featured?  Email it to me and tell...

July 1st – Hiding in Plain Sight

What I'm Reading Hiding in Plain Sight: It's well known that US infrastructure from roads, to bridges, to tunnels is falling apart.  The tragic Florida condo collapse this week highlights another type of private infrastructure disaster that may be much more widespread than we currently think.  Justin Gillis highlighted the...