May 20th – Shock Absorber

What I'm Reading Shock Absorber: Normal recessions often produce a vicious cycle of foreclosures.  When rents and property values fall, building owners stop paying their mortgages and lenders foreclose, pushing prices into a further downward spiral.  That hasn’t happened in this cycle as regulators allowed bank to delay loan payments...

May 17th – Trickle

What I'm Reading Trickle: Big banks have seen non-performing loans on their books double year over year.  The bad news (for distressed investors)? That translates into only $15.4 billion in non-performing loans on the books with another $2.1 billion in foreclosed properties - a pittance when stacked against the $250+...

May 13th – Running on Empty

What I'm Reading Running on Empty: Construction of entry level homes has been trailing off since the mid-1970s.  In the early 1980s, the percentage of new homes constructed below 1,400 sf was roughly 40%.  Today it sits below 10%.  The combination of low supply and high demand in the space...

May 6th – More Than Meets the Eye

What I'm Reading Evolution: A new breed of flexible work landlords is converting unused suburban retail locations to office space, potentially transforming downtowns in the process. Wall Street Journal Bottleneck: The Biden administration is racing to end a bottleneck that has prevented state and local governments from distributing nearly $50...