March 1st – Fuel on the Fire

What I'm Reading Fuel on the Fire: With long rates rising, investors in the mortgage bond market had to sell treasury positions in order to hedge their holdings, accelerating last week's bond market selloff.  Christopher Maloney of Bloomberg explains what is happening perfectly:  The forced sellers are investors in the...

February 8th – Dead End?

What I'm Reading Dead End? Distressed debt hedge funds raised billions to take advantage of COVID opportunities.  However, the capital markets have largely recovered and junk yields have plunged, leaving them with few opportunities to deploy their dry powder.  This is totally reminiscent of the Great Recession when capital raised...

January 28th – Storm Clouds

What I'm Reading Storm Clouds: The apartment sector has been a bright spot during COVID-19 but that is starting to change.  Enhanced eviction protection, lower rent collections and unprecedented declines in asking rent in some urban markets are taking their toll on apartment owners.  During the pandemic, the share of...

January 25th – Rocket Fuel

What I'm Reading Rocket Fuel: Morgan Housel's latest piece about how COVID has substantially accelerated wealth and income inequality is an outstanding read and makes a strong case for an economic boom in the coming years - at least for some.  This section on mortgage refinancings  and the accompanying chart...

January 11th – Wait and See

What I’m Reading Wait and See: NNN lease investors had assumed that Republicans would win the Georgia Senate special election and the 1031 exchange would be safe.  Now that the Democratic party candidates have prevailed, those investors are anxiously awaiting President Elect Biden’s first 100 day agenda to see if the...