April 27th – Hitting the Wall

What I'm Reading Hitting the Wall: Trucking demand is “near freight recession levels,” according to Bank of America. Shippers’ outlook on rates, capacity and inventory levels are matching attitudes not seen since May and June 2020, when pandemic lockdowns sent freight volumes into a historic decline. Freight Waves Halted: Ships...

December 15th – Delay Tactics

What I'm Reading Delay Tactics: Planning departments in California cities are going to great effort to try to comply with California's new housing mandates.  Unions and environmental groups are using CEQA to stifle those efforts.  Two stalled projects in my hometown of Newport Beach illustrate the problem.  OC Register  Latest...

December 6th – Pancaked

What I'm Reading Pancaked: The yield curve has been flattening quickly with short rates rising and long rates falling.  This could leave the Fed in a bind as the yield curve trajectory suggests that it could be inverted before a hiking cycle ever begins.  All Star Charts  Interesting to note...

November 30th – Pass Through

What I'm Reading Limited Competition: Buying real estate off market is much more about avoiding protracted bidding wars and minimizing pursuit costs than it is about buying properties at a deep discount.  Globe Street Log Jam: Homebuilders are struggling with labor and material shortages.  As a result, construction timelines have...

November 23rd – Cash Cows

Quick programming note: Basis Points will be off the rest of this week.  Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!   What I'm Reading Cash Cows: An unprecedented supply chain crisis has resulted in public container shipping companies hitting all time highs for net revenue.  To put this in perspective, the $48.1 billion in 3Q21...

November 4th – Sitting Ducks

What I'm Reading Sitting Ducks: Idle cargo containers piling up in ports and storage yards have created a target-rich environment for thieves, resulting in yet another supply chain headache. Cargo theft has increased 42% YoY in California during the 3rd quarter.  CargoNet Out of Their Hands: The inflationary episode of...