August 23rd – Parched

What I'm Reading Parched: The federal government has declared a first-ever shortage on the Colorado River, announcing mandatory water cutbacks next year for Arizona, Nevada and Mexico. The river provides water to 40 million people and California could be impacted by 2024.  This is going to have massive ramifications on...

August 13th – Beach Reads Week in Review

What I'm Reading Feeding Frenzy: Bidding wars are typical in for-sale housing during a tight market.  Now we are seeing them for apartment rentals.  CNBC A Tale of Two Markets: Big apartment landlords are thriving during the eviction moratorium while mom and pop owners of buildings with five or less...

August 3rd – Packing Heat

What I'm Reading Packing Heat: The packaging industry is growing as soaring ecommerce adoption has led to higher demand for boxes.  As a result, demand is increasing for industrial space used to produce and distribute packaging.  Fast Company Waiting Game: Home builders are intentionally restricting the sale of new homes...