May 17th – Trickle

What I'm Reading Trickle: Big banks have seen non-performing loans on their books double year over year.  The bad news (for distressed investors)? That translates into only $15.4 billion in non-performing loans on the books with another $2.1 billion in foreclosed properties - a pittance when stacked against the $250+...

May 13th – Running on Empty

What I'm Reading Running on Empty: Construction of entry level homes has been trailing off since the mid-1970s.  In the early 1980s, the percentage of new homes constructed below 1,400 sf was roughly 40%.  Today it sits below 10%.  The combination of low supply and high demand in the space...

March 12th – Big Shift

What I'm Reading Turning Inward: Foreign investors in the US are changing their sights from trophy properties in a handful of gateway cities to secondary markets that are experiencing population and job growth as persistently low yields make it hard to meet return targets.  Yardi Matrix Same as it Ever...

May 11th – Running of the Bulls

What I'm Reading Glass Half Full: The results DLA Piper’s latest State of the Market Survey revealed no shortage of bullish sentiment about commercial real estate with 74% expressing optimism about the market in 2021 versus just 24% a year prior.  Respondents were especially bullish on markets like Austin and...

May 6th – More Than Meets the Eye

What I'm Reading Evolution: A new breed of flexible work landlords is converting unused suburban retail locations to office space, potentially transforming downtowns in the process. Wall Street Journal Bottleneck: The Biden administration is racing to end a bottleneck that has prevented state and local governments from distributing nearly $50...