October 23rd – Walking Away

What I’m Reading Walking Away: Trepp researchers parsed special servicer notes on distressed real estate backed by CMBS loans and found a substantial number of borrowers are willing to give assets back to lenders if defaults aren’t cured.  As you can probably imagine, most of these are in the hotel and...

October 20th – Out of Date

What I’m Reading Out of Date: According to JLL, 78% of all cold storage warehouses are at least 20 years old and the average age of a US cold storage facility is 42 years old.  This is a problem in an industry where the technology has changed so dramatically in recent...

October 16th – In the Blocks

What I’m Reading In the Blocks: Conditions are perfect for distressed debt funds – which usually perform well during certain economic conditions, including when monetary conditions have been dramatically eased and when high-yield debt issuance is high. This according to a report on crisis-era distressed debt returns by Julian Falcioni at...

October 14th – No Shock Here

What I’m Reading No Shock Here: Transactional volume has fallen sharply, but refinancing activity is keeping the capital markets moving through the pandemic.  This is a best-case scenario for a sharp downturn since it means that there is still ample liquidity for performing assets that require recapitalization due to loan maturity. ...

October 13th – Mind the Gap

One Big Thing Over the past couple of months, it has become fairly obvious that another round of support will not be forthcoming from the federal government – at least not until after the election.  Given our recent economic struggles, conventional wisdom dictates that this sort of news would send...

October 9th – Long Shadows

What I’m Reading Long Shadows: Office distress has yet to really materialize.  However, the risk of loan maturitites and major tenant lease expirations are casting a shadow over the sector.  Roughly $27.7B of the $145B CMBS office loans Trepp tracks are set to mature by 2022. What’s more, nearly 35% of...

September 30th – Misleading

I’m back!  Spent the last week RV camping on California’s Central Coast.  It was a lot of fun but good to be back in the saddle. What I’m Reading Misleading Metrics: The article from my interview with Globe Street’s Erika Morphy about sponsor overreliance on cash on cash returns as a...

September 21st – Still Flowing

One Big Thing Still Flowing: CMBS originators and debt funds have pulled back during the pandemic.  However, the real estate capital markets have largely continued to function, thus far avoiding the near-complete shutdown experienced during the Great Financial Crisis and preventing a major crash in valuations.  Real Clear Analytics  This brings to mind...

September 16th – Meat on the Bone

What I’m Reading Meat on the Bone: A wave of refinancing has led to a mortgage boom in 2020, testing the limits of lender origination capacity.  However, there is still a lot of meat left on the bone.  According to a report this week by data and analytics firm Black Knight, there...