May 4th -Falling Behind

What I'm Reading Substitution Effect: Executives running some of the world’s biggest retailers, manufacturers and consumer-products makers say they are seeing signs that people are becoming less willing to absorb price increases.  This includes an uptick in demand for discount products. Wall Street Journal Falling Behind: Debt funds, life insurance...

December 3rd – Tis the Season

What I'm Reading Tis the Season: Apartment rents fell in more than half of the nation’s major markets this month, suggesting a widespread cooldown in a market that’s been buoyed by pandemic-driven shifts in consumer preferences.  Apartment List To put this move in context a bit, rents typically follow a seasonal...

December 1st – Seeds of Growth

What I'm Reading Creative Destruction: With workers quitting their jobs at nearly unprecedented levels, entrepreneurship is on the rise:   The number of unincorporated self-employed workers has risen by 500,000 since the start of the pandemic, Labor Department data show, to 9.44 million. That is the highest total since the financial-crisis...

November 18th – YOLO

Closing Announcement: RanchHarbor recently closed on Glenbrook Apartments, a 112 unit value add property in Boise, Idaho.  Glenbrook is our second acquisition in the Boise market.  We are excited about the closing and renovations are already underway. REBusiness Online Want to see more opportunities from us?  Sign up here: RanchHarbor...

June 4th – Hitting the Water

What I'm Reading Hitting the Water: The National Marine Manufacturers Association says powerboat sales hit a 13-year high in 2020, with 310,000 new vessels sold, up 12 percent from the previous year. Difficult as it is to believe, 2021 is looking even better.  As of February, shipments of new powerboats...