February 1st – Guessing Game

What I'm Reading Guessing Game: Pandemic uncertainty has made it extremely difficult for appraisers to assign values to office buildings.  IMO, this will continue until the dust clears and the impact on demand from work from home can be fully quantified.  Globe Street Windfall: Crypto whales are cashing out some...

December 14th – Drop Zone

What I'm Reading Drop Zone: Drone delivery is beginning to look inevitable as developers like Alphabet continue to make breakthroughs and retailers like Walmart test in selected markets.  The Diff Arms Race: Amenities aren't just for office employees anymore.  Gyms, childcare centers, and restaurants are making their way into logistics...

December 7th – Help Wanted

What I'm Reading Help Wanted: The construction industry is 2.2 million skilled workers short of what is needed to keep up with demand.  Floor Daily  I'm sure that a trillion dollars or so of infrastructure spending injected into this environment will have a positive impact...... Taking Control: Amazon has taken...

December 3rd – Tis the Season

What I'm Reading Tis the Season: Apartment rents fell in more than half of the nation’s major markets this month, suggesting a widespread cooldown in a market that’s been buoyed by pandemic-driven shifts in consumer preferences.  Apartment List To put this move in context a bit, rents typically follow a seasonal...

December 1st – Seeds of Growth

What I'm Reading Creative Destruction: With workers quitting their jobs at nearly unprecedented levels, entrepreneurship is on the rise:   The number of unincorporated self-employed workers has risen by 500,000 since the start of the pandemic, Labor Department data show, to 9.44 million. That is the highest total since the financial-crisis...